Who We Are

Indonesian Students’​ Association of City University of Hong Kong (PERMISI, original: Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia CityU Hong Kong) is a student-run organization based out of the City University of Hong Kong. It was established in 2016 and is the first branch of the Indonesian Students’ Association in Hong Kong and is affiliated with CityU’s Global Engagement Office.

What’s in our name?

Permisi is also Indonesian for “excuse me”, a way of notifying others of our presence. We chose this as our name because it represents our culture of respecting and valuing others, which Indonesians are known for and proud of. Thus, we are making our presence known in the international world without letting go of our roots. We hope you’ll join us on our journey as our community continues to grow and thrive.

Our Vision

To foster a close-knit community and provide a platform for every Indonesian student at the City University of Hong Kong to develop their ideas and talents.

Our Mission

  • Support the holistic development of our community members through active interaction and meaningful engagement
  • Build strong and lasting partnerships with external parties to increase opportunities and community exposure and provide a bridge for our community members
  • Introduce and showcase Indonesian culture to the global community at City University
