Experience & Opportunities

Uni is kind of that weird bridge between high school and work life. It’s that weird limbo between adolescence and adulthood. A test run for adult life, if you’d like. Yes, we’re all already adults, but we’re not, like, adults. For a lot of us, uni is our last chance to prepare for our future career. Luckily, CityU provides a lot of help for that! Whether it’s for building up work experience or just to gain life experience, there’s a lot for you to look at!

This section covers:

Campus jobs

Did you know that you can work on-campus? Sometimes professors need assistants or a department needs a little extra help. It’s a great opportunity to get some work experience before you graduate or to learn more about your field. And hey, a little extra cash never hurts! CityU pays an hourly rate of $52. Not bad, right? An hour of work can buy you a meal!

If you’re interested, you first have to submit a copy of your passport, student visa, and NOL (that’s the set of papers that comes with your visa) via the online AIMS system. You can check here for other requirements! After it’s approved, you’ll gain access to the Student Helper and Campus Internship Scheme on AIMS (warning: you’re going to get a lot of new tabs in your AIMS)!

Once that’s done, you can start applying for campus jobs! Just go to Student Services > Student Helper and Campus Internship Scheme > Job Search on AIMS and you can find a whole list of job openings that you can apply for. You can also get jobs by approaching professors directly and asking if they need any student helpers (psst, this is also a great way to build connections)!
For more info on campus jobs, click here!

Internship and career preparation

Want more experience outside of campus? Consider doing an internship! There are lots of internships available in Hong Kong. Sometimes, your department will send out emails about internship opportunities, and you can apply if any catches your eye. You can also look for internships on your own! The Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) provides a lot of resources for students applying for internships. Check them out here!

CLC also has a lot of other services to help students prepare for their career. You can explore their website for general career prep, as well as career prep as students. They also organize a lot of recruitment talks and career preparation workshops that you can attend! You can sign up for them as well as for the one-on-one career consultation services!


Aside from jobs and internships, you can also join various organisations to gain more experience! They’re a great opportunity to meet and work with a lot of new people, building your network. Also, they’re just a lot of fun!

CityU has a lot of clubs and organisations under their Student Union (SU), most of which are based on a shared interest. There’s also a society for each department! You can check out a list of clubs in CityU here. Keep in mind that most of the club members are local students, so some activities may be held in Cantonese.

And there are also other organizations outside of SU! PERMISI, ourselves, is also a student society under GEO. While every Indonesian student at CityU is automatically a part of PERMISI, you can sign up to join the Executive Committee to train your leadership skills and directly contribute to our community! Keep your eyes peeled on our Instagram for our recruitment!

Another prominent organization is the Global Ambassador Club or GAC (no, not Gamaliél Audrey Cantika). They’re basically another Student Union, but for international students! Their activities are backed and supported by GEO. Check out their Instagram to find out more about what they do!

AIESEC, which is under CLC, is also a popular choice. They are a branch of the global youth-led organization and arrange a lot of international internships and volunteering opportunities for students around the world. Take a look at their activities on their Instagram and website!

Other organizations include the CityU Student Research and Investment Club (CURIC, website, Instagram), CityU MUN (website, Instagram), TEDxCityUHongKong (website, Instagram), and so much more! You are bound to come across more organizations as you explore student life at CityU and find the one you like.


Like we’ve mentioned, tuition isn’t cheap. Luckily, CityU is very generous when it comes to scholarships! For prospective students, there are a lot of entrance scholarships available for international students. You can check them out here for the full list and more information on how to apply!

How about for existing students or if you don’t get an entrance scholarship? Don’t worry! There are still a lot of scholarships available for existing students. Most of them are based on academic excellence, while some are based on your talents and contributions. Take a look at the list of available scholarships here! You can also find the full list of scholarships via AIMS! Just go to Student Services > Scholarship and Financial Aid > SFA Catalogue. Your department will also send out emails regarding scholarships and how you can apply.

Most importantly, just have confidence and try applying! There’s no application fee, so you don’t lose anything by applying. You never know when you’ll succeed if you don’t try!

Student Exchange Programme (SEP)

We’re already studying abroad, but do you want to experience a different culture? Take a look at the Student Exchange Programme (SEP)! They allow you to experience studying at a different university or country while paying the same tuition we normally do. You can also transfer credits for the courses you take in the partner university so it won’t affect your study plan.

CityU partners with a lot of institutions every year on multiple levels (institutional or department/college level), so there’s a lot of options for exchange. Take a look at the list of partner institutions! If you’re planning to apply, make sure to check your eligibility too.

Worried about the costs of exchange? CityU provides financial support for students planning to go on exchange! You can check them out here. As international students, you are eligible for the Special Fund for Non-local Outbound Exchange Students, but there are also other Outbound Exchange Scholarships you can apply for!

Cultural exchange

Did you know that CityU was named the most international university in the world by Times Higher Education in 2020? Currently, the student body is made up of more than 80 nationalities! If you’ve always wanted to learn about other cultures, this is your chance!

The Global Engagement Office is always highly supportive of the non-local student body and is always pushing for cultural exchange. Follow their Instagram where they explore Hong Kong as well as the world’s various cultures!

The Global Ambassador Club organises a lot of events for the non-local students, where you can get to know everyone else! From game nights to talent shows and a cultural festival, GAC provides all sorts of opportunities for you to explore other cultures. Check out PERMISI’s entry for the Global Festival Night in 2020 where we performed Ibu Pertiwi!

Just like PERMISI, students from other countries have also formed their own society. Sometimes, these societies hold a huge event where they showcase their culture! These events are open for everyone else, so you can immerse yourself in their traditions and customs. There’s Diwali Night, Korean Night, and more!

And of course, we have our very own Indonight! Indonight is our chance to tell our stories and share our culture with other CityU students. It’s our biggest event and it always attracts a large crowd with our food, performances, and music. Take part in Indonight and show off your pride!


Aside from education, CityU is also highly supportive of the arts and culture! The Cultural & Sports Committee organizes a number of events and student groups that you can take part in or watch their performances. The Choir, Philharmonic Orchestra, and English Debating Team recruit new members every year and anyone can sign up if you’re interested! There’s also the CityU Musical, which happens every year. All these groups perform during the annual CityU Arts Festival!

Click here for more information!


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